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Builders Merchants acquires Firstcom Europe’s SIP

Inspired Networks closes PCI compliant Cloud payment deal

In Q1 2021, Firstcom Europe working with long standing partner Inspired Networks, successfully sold a UK leading Building Merchants our first integrated SIP with Cloud Payments Solution. This included 60 SIP channels and 60 Card Payment channels.

Our solution and why Choose us?

Firstcom Europe chose RevoPCI because it ensures Payment Card Industry compliance for all voice call transactions. It protects businesses from fraud by ensuring no card information is ever seen or heard by the agent/call recipient. This is achieved very simply and without interruption to the phone conversation or call recording i.e. without any need to pause, suppress or manipulate voice recordings.

Organisation scope after RevoPCI solution:

Data from the customer is captured in the PCI appliance in our cloud and their business is de-scoped from majority of checks/controls. It does this by acting as a firewall between the customer PBX and the PSTN provider, taking the calls traffic directly from the PSTN provider via private connections. Traffic can be routed through the RevoPCI solution either by using NAT on the customer’s internet firewall, updating the SIP endpoint address/DNS, setting a route header or configuring the address as a proxy server. The multiple deployment choices make RevoPCI the easiest PCI solution to deploy with minimal effort.

Key Solution Benefits

  • Simple cost model, with zero transaction fees.
  • Low Setup Costs
  • Multiple and Simple deployment options
  • Does not switch telecoms traffic, removing interoperability challenges.
  • Doesn’t incur 3rd party charges use the system.
  • Compatible with 3rd party systems.
  • Level 1 PCI DSS Certified
  • Zero onsite equipment required, allowing organisation to complete SAQ-A for PCI Compliance.

Any Partner wishing to learn more about this unique offering should please contact Chris Walters on 0333 023 7032 or simply email