Online Listings

Directory management

Are you keeping on top of your online business information?

  • Is your business phone number being advertised correctly?
  • Are links to your website correct?
  • Is your email address correct?
  • Have your business hours changed?
  • Are your business services outdated, or worse – missing?
  • Have all new social media links been updated?

Scan and update - with one click

We scan over 50 online platforms, directories & maps to see if your business information is correct, missing or incomplete.

With online Listings, your business information is updated on all platforms in one go.

From changing your phone number, opening hours, address, email, photos, delivery options, and more, Listings makes it quick and easy.

With just one click, your update appears everywhere it needs to. Search engines, social media, review sites, apps, maps and more.

Make sure your customers can always reach you

Business Listings - Discover new opportunities to publish

Appear in new online directories

Listings scans all the internet directories you probably know like Google, Bing, and Facebook as well as new & important directories such as Amazon Alexa, Apple, Bizwiki and Waze.

Voice search is growing rapidly and Listings enables you to show up in Google Home, Alexa, Bixby and Siri. Optimising your listings for internet and voice search is key to local success.

Listings publishes everywhere your customers are looking, especially when they search locally. We make sure you’re not missing out on new opportunities.

Keep your listings, trusted & verified

Listings will automatically and repeatedly push your business information to all platforms each month to guarantee that it is recognised as genuine and current, which will improve your company’s website domain accuracy.

Accurate and up-to-date listings improve your search rankings (SEO). When more people can find you, more people can choose you.

Complete and consistent information everywhere will automatically lead to more calls, website traffic and navigation requests.

With our dashboard, keep track of your business results and invest where it matters more.

Business Listings managed with one click

Discover Listings

Accurate information across the web

Make change Fast & Easy

Share updates quickly

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