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Streamlining communications for Delta Taxis – Case Study


Delta Taxis is the largest private hire taxi company in Liverpool. They have been operating since 1968 and today boast a fleet of 2250 taxis. They average 30,000 trips and 60,000 passengers a day.

Delta first approached Firstcom in 2007 when they were moving to larger premises to house their growing team. Since then, Firstcom has been providing their contact centre SIP channels that handle 7.2 million bookings annually. The average response time is less than 2 seconds, despite peak call rates of over 10 calls per second.

In 2019 Delta made the decision to adopt dispatch software from Mobile Technology International. MTI are Taxi industry experts and pride themselves on creating quality technology and solutions tailored to this sector

Earlier this year in response to the Covid 19 Pandemic Delta approached Firstcom to move the contact centre to a cloud based service using Universe. In addition, Delta requested Universe was integrated with their MTI Dispatch System.


Delta’s call centre is the busiest taxi dispatch operation in Europe. The system handles 7.2 million bookings annually. Universe delivers 24/7 uptime along with features like IVR, wallboard, call logging and reporting

The taxi dispatch system provided by MTI includes a booking app, payment and driver and dispatch applications, Firstcom provided extensive integration assistance so that Universe and MTI could provide a complete book and dispatch process. Features include:

Call queuing
Ring/text on approach
Play greetings to callers
Best match car booking system
Auto booking with address and time of day matching


Delta now enjoys:

Efficient dispatch including the ability to co-ordinate multiple fleets across a wide territory.
Booking flexibility; Around 10% of bookings are made through the MTI smartphone and the rest via the call centre powered by Universe.
The MTI Telop application fully integrates with Universe. This means operatives have all the information in one place. They simply key in the booking and assign it to the most appropriate car for the job.
Management dashboard and wallboard to aid productivity.
Improved driver experience; the app delivers safe and efficient communications.

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