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Employer benefits of working from home

Why you should offer remote working to your teams

In light of the pandemic, the majority of businesses have turned to remote work for their employees in the past few months. This may not just be a temporary solution. In a past article we talked about the benefits of working from home as an employee, however today we will be discussing the pros and cons from the perspective of an employer.


Money Saving. Having more employees working from home can reduce operating costs ranging from office space to equipment. This saves your company money which can be used elsewhere.

Larger talent pool. Employers are no longer constrained to hiring local talent. This means they have a higher chance of finding someone with the exact skills, experience, and personality that best fits the company?s needs.

Environmental Impact. Conducting virtual meetings and facilitating communication virtually helps to protect the environment due to reduced automobile emissions.

Increased Employee health and Wellness. Accommodating telecommuting facilitates a strong work life balance as employees can customise their surroundings and schedule to suit their personal needs, increasing their wellbeing and reducing stress.

Employee Retention. Employees can continue to work no matter where they are located, even if the office moves. This means you don?t have to waste time hiring new candidates and training them as there is a higher chance of them sticking with your business.


Communication. Face-to-face contact between employers and remote workers is reduced. This means there is a greater potential for misinterpretation of instructions. However, with video conferencing solutions, such as Universe Meeting Space, it is easier than ever before to connect with coworkers on a face to face basis.

Dependence on Internet. Remote employees must have access to the internet in order to get their work done and communicate with colleagues. Therefore, reliable and good quality Internet connectivity is vital.

Loss of company culture. Having remote workers can dilute the sense of culture that has been integral for successful modern businesses. It is challenging to build a genuine rapport online, let alone socialise out of hours.

Distraction. Remote employees will need to remain disciplined throughout the day to avoid numerous distractions that come with working from home. Whilst some people find this easy to do, others employees may struggle to activate ?work mode? at home and so will get less done than if they were in an office environment.

Motivation. Employees may struggle to motivate themselves when working remotely as there is no strict schedule to abide by. Furthermore, with little human interaction, they may feel isolated and so they feel incapable of getting as much done as they would in a social environment.

In conclusion, with the right equipment in place, having remote employees can be mutually beneficial for both employers and employees. As an employer, it helps you find talent that would not be represented in your area, lowers the costs of running your business, and reduces your environmental impact, whilst increasing your employees? mental wellbeing. Working from home is not for everyone and employers are advised to be mindful of potential pitfalls.