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How outsourcing your IT will benefit your business

Most people don’t really think about their IT unless it goes wrong…..

Whether you are a manufacturing firm or an accountancy practice, you will rely on technology in some way. When your IT is out of action so is your business.  Invoices don’t get paid, customer records can’t be accessed, and your people are not able to get on with their tasks. 

As a manager or business owner, it pays to take IT and its management seriously. If your current IT support resource is overstretched or non-existent, it could be time to think about using an external company.

Here are the top benefits of outsourcing your IT:

Reduce business costs

One of the biggest benefits of outsourcing any business function is the potential cost savings.  Outsourcing your IT will usually mean paying a fixed monthly cost, with providers offering different packages suited to a variety of requirements. IT companies give you access to a wide skill base covered by a monthly fee and without the staff and equipment overheads of having a dedicated in-house team.

Focus on what is really important to your business

Let’s face it, support functions like IT can be a distraction from your core business focus. By outsourcing your IT you free up time to focus on activities like building your brand and developing new products.

Access the best technology

An outsourced IT provider will want to provide their clients the best service and solutions on the market.  This means that they are likely to invest in the ongoing training of their staff and keeping up to speed with new technology.

And because an IT company has multiple clients, they have experience of different products working in different businesses. This means they can select the right products and services for your requirements rather than simply following the latest trend.

Improve business continuity

If your server goes offline overnight or systems are exposed to a potential threat, you could see disruptions to business continuity.  If you outsource your IT, you can choose a support level that provides 24/7 monitoring to head off issues before they cause to much trouble.

Disaster recovery planning and backup is a staple offering from IT companies. With the right tools, your data will be backed up and easily retrieved and your equipment will be quickly back up and running if something does go wrong.

Outsourcing your IT is a smart choice. Not only can it save you money, free up time and improve productivity, it is also a cost-effective way of getting access to technical expertise and the latest products.

Need IT support? Get in touch to find out how Firstcom can help your business.

Call 0333 023 7000