Leased Lines

Your dedicated business connection

What are leased lines?

Leased lines are physical line connections that allow a company to have its own circuit between one or more other locations. It is a private circuit (used only by the purchaser) and can also be known as a data line or dedicated internet line. Leased lines can be used for telephone, internet or other data communication  services

Why you should consider a leased line

If you run a bandwidth hungry business or require instant communication for your services and have large amounts of data to transmit, then a leased line is for you.

Benefits of leased lines

What does a leased line cost?

The cost of a leased lines depends on the distance from end to end and the amount of work that is required to connect the service. Monthly recurring charges are related to the speed (bandwidth) of your circuit. Charges can vary from supplier to supplier as well as location. Firstcom operates with a number of network providers to get you the best deal and also will recommend the right speeds to suit your company’s requirements.
Business Fibre Leased Line

Gigabit Voucher Scheme

Some ISPs can provide internet speeds of 1000Mbps or 1Gbps so it’s a big leap forward in connection speeds that could benefit you and your business into the future.

The UK Government has launched the Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme offering grants of up to £3,000 to cover the cost of installation. This is available to small to medium enterprises in the UK.

What is worth noting is that 98% of the time the grant fully covers the installation, so in effect the installation is free. Gigabit-capable broadband connections offer the fastest and most reliable speeds available, and the UK Government is committed to a vision of a digitally connected Britain.

Follow this link to find out if you are eligible to qualify for the voucher scheme –

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