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Looking ahead to ensure you aren’t left behind

What next?

The speed at which technology moves in the telecoms industry can be bewildering. Recently the government announced the UK was joining a new international telecoms coalition aimed at ensuring network resilience, whilst at the same time confirming an additional £70m investment in the development of the telecom sector. All of which points to a dynamic future for the industry and, potentially, a whole bunch of new and confusing acronyms and terminology for customers!

With businesses currently finding themselves facing the implications of the ISDN switch off in 2025, whilst only just coming to terms with moving to cloud based systems, the fear could be that any investment now, could be rendered obsolete by the pace of change.

6G & beyond

With 6G (yes that really is a thing already) in the early stages of development, with a potential roll out of 2030, the future landscape of telecom development is bright, but potentially daunting for businesses, especially those which occupy the small to medium end of the market. Central to the driver of 6G development, for instance, is the idea of creating a future where the Internet of Things (IoT) can be realised fully alongside the advent of AI and instant connectivity. All wonderfully important things, but not something that will necessarily affect decisions made in the next 12 months.

Let’s face it small and medium size businesses have other things to be thinking about beyond the next decade of telecom development.

Future proofing investment

At Firstcom we like to get our heads down when it comes to delivering solutions for our clients but, just as important as that, is the idea of keeping our heads up occasionally, with an eye to future changes and developments that impact our customers. It’s about more than just looking at opportunities to sell, it is about ensuring, as far as possible, that the services and solutions we sell today are part of a journey towards future advancements, some of which we don’t yet fully appreciate. It means investing in the here and now, but safely in the knowledge customers are building solid foundations for the future

Of course, for many of our customers, these might be things they don’t need to think about for many years to come. But we like to think when that time comes they’ll be glad we thought about those things today!