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Managed IT Service from Firstcom – why accountability means profitability!

The most cost effective and proactive way to manage IT


Managed IT services is a little like being a referee at a football match. You know you’re are having a good game if nobody notices you! And, just like a contentious decision, more often than not, business owners only ever really consider their IT infrastructure and management when a problem occurs. 

Then, of course, it can easily become the biggest issue a business can face.

That’s because we all rely on IT services in a way that would have been inconceivable 20 years ago. Now, a properly managed IT service is not just critical to the smooth running of a business, it is often the be all and end all of a business.  It cannot be ignored.

And, in all likelihood, IT is not the core skill offering of a business, which can mean for those tasked with managing expensive headcount and support, the nagging idea that you don’t quite have enough work to fill a full time role.

Accountability is the new watchword for managed services

That’s where Firstcom’s Managed IT Service really delivers for businesses. For us the watchword is accountability. That means more than just being the responsible adult when a problem occurs (we do that as a matter of course), it means being responsible for the delivery of an IT strategy that supports the aims and ambitions of a company. Being accountable for the way IT helps a business do what it does best.

Whether that is basic support of infrastructure and service, or planning for new developments, or even finding ways that technology can enhance and help a business. We stay up to speed so that you can be confident that your IT is not only delivering for your business now, but will continue to do so into the future, whatever that future might hold.

What Managed IT Service could mean for your business

Managed IT Services is effectively outsourced IT support – a virtual IT department, on hand to resolve all manner of IT problems and offer help and advice when looking at new solutions and software. There is no expensive outlay on staff, just a simple, cost effective service that gives you complete peace of mind and the ability to concentrate on what you do best!

In short Managed IT Services offers businesses

  1. IT expertise and advice about infrastructure, software, maintenance and security 
  2. Cost effective support geared to business needs and requirements
  3. Proactive advice and support so updates and issues can be headed off rather than simply responded to
  4. Access to expertise around other business systems such CRM and Finance as well as solutions like website management and maintenance
  5. Fully managed service taking responsibility to delivery and maintenance of infrastructure, software and maintenance
  6. A single point of contact and accountability for one of the most important components of any modern business 

In a world where IT infrastructure and security are at the heart of the way we do business, Managed IT Service from Firstcom not only makes sense financially, it is the cornerstone of business success.