New Service Delivery Team

For Firstcom Europe

New Service Delivery Team for Firstcom Europe

As part of Firstcom Europe’s recent restructure, where Firstcom’s three UK companies were merged into one, we have created a new Service Delivery Team, headed up by Matt Simpson. In this edition, here we introduce Matt and the key people within this important unit and hear about the department’s immediate priorities.

Matt Simpson – Head of Service & Delivery – Channel & Enterprise 

Matt has worked in UCaas/CCaaS and VOIP environments for 10 years. He initially started in technical support, then progressed into implementations, platform integrations, project management, before moving into this role as Head of Service & Delivery. Matt has delivered a diverse range of products from simple VoIP systems, large NTS number ports, software/API integrations to full omnichannel contact centre services. The key team members within Matt’s team are:

Megan Lewis – Service Delivery Manager. Megan provides an escalation route for all support across Universe and contact centre products. Her current focus is unifying and improving the onboarding and support processes for customers, partners and resellers.

Kim Etchells –Service Delivery – Many of our partners / re-sellers have been supported by Kim over a number of years. She will continue managing all things related to porting and continue to be responsible for implementations and service delivery for a large section of the Firstcom customer base. 

Elliot McDonald – Technical Support – Elliot’s main focus is on the Enterprise side of Firstcom Europe’s business, supporting and implementing our Enterprise solutions.

Chris Evans – Technical Support – Chris implements and supports Resellers and their customers on the Universe platform.

Abou Gacko – Technical Support – Abou implements and supports Resellers and their customers on the Universe platform.

The Service Delivery Team is working to improve the current reseller onboarding process to provide a better service and training on the Universe Reseller portal. The company is also developing a knowledge base of documents and video resources. This is part of a drive to make product information and troubleshooting guides easily available to partners and resellers.

Broadening the skills set within the team is high on Matt’s agenda. He will increase the project management, pre-sales and product implementation resource within the team through a mix of training and recruitment. The goal is to have a team that can work across all enterprise and channel platforms, and can manage larger installs and projects whilst maintaining excellent customer service and support.