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The Openreach Stop Sell – how will it affect your business?

On 5th September 2023 BT Openreach implemented its national Stop Sell of products and services that rely on the traditional copper network.

You may already know the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) and Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) will close down in 2025.

But did you realise that 5th September 2023 was a key milestone in the UK’s journey to all digital communications?

The Stop Sell explained

The first thing to be aware of is that from now on, no new analogue services will be available in all areas of the country. If you need to order a new broadband or a telephone connection, then you will no longer be able to order those that rely on the old copper network.

 It is not just new services that the Stop Sell will affect. Repairs and maintenance will difficult as parts will become obsolete.

You may also need to think about other equipment you have that uses analogue lines. These can include alarms, door entry systems, faxes, card payment machines and even lifts!

What should I do if my business is using analogue lines?

Your system will continue to work for now, but it will not in 2025 when the Switch Off happens.

If you need to add services, upgrade, or fix an issue then you will have to change your system to a cloud-based one. One of the most obvious concerns for any business is the potential disruption that this may cause.

We strongly recommend migrating your services to a future proof solution before the 2025 deadline.

Firstcom is a leading provider of telecoms solutions and we have already helped hundreds of businesses across the UK smoothly move to a digital solution. Our specialists will be happy to discuss what the transition will mean for your business, so call us today on 0333 0237000 option 9 or email