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What FSQS means to us and, more importantly, to you.

In short, FSQS (Financial Services Qualification System) is a recognised accreditation used by financial institutions to set the guidance around a single standard for managing the increasing complexity of third and fourth-party information needed to demonstrate compliance to regulators, policies and governance controls. In even shorter form, it means peace of mind for those institutions, including banks, building societies and other financial bodies that wish to engage suppliers who are already proven to adhere to strict standards required to operate in the financial services sector.

Firstcom Europe attains FSQS accreditation.

Having attained the recognised accreditation, Firstcom Europe has demonstrably satisfied a wide ranging set of requirements including adherence to policies around anti-bribery legislation, equality & diversity, business continuity planning as well as numerous other key governance controls.

This involved no small effort on our part, but it’s an indication of the way we at Firstcom Europe approach our commitment to clients and sectors in general. We recognise in a world with diverse supply base that a trusted source of verifiable truth makes procurement easier for our customers

Actions always speak louder than words

It’s easy to say we’d like to work for a particular business or in a particular sector and it’s easy to ‘say’ we believe in the things we talk about, but FSQS shows that actions speak louder than words, We have demonstrably shown that we adhere to the strictest of guidelines that enables businesses in the financial industry can choose Firstcom Europe as a telecom partner safe in the knowledge we will not only deliver the right solution, but the required compliance for their sector.